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Working together to prevent homelessness amongst sanctuary seekers in Wales

May 8, 2024 @ 11:00am
Spotlight Sessions 1hr Online (Zoom)
Note: This event has ended

One of the key priorities of the Welsh Government's Refugee and Asylum Seeker Plan (2019), part of its commitment to make Wales the world's first Nation of Sanctuary, is to ensure refugees are supported to transition from asylum accommodation to sustainable accommodation.

As the original resettlement areas (Cardiff, Newport, Swansea and Wrexham) have been extended to cover all local authorities, the demand for more appropriate services that meet the specific needs of this client group has also increased.

Housing Justice Cymru, Tai Pawb and the Wales Refugee Council (WRC) are working together to address this growing need, supporting housing associations, local authorities and third sector organisations to prevent people seeking sanctuary in Wales from becoming homeless and contribute to the delivery of the Welsh Government’s Nation of Sanctuary goals.

In this spotlight session, Joy Kent, a consultant who has worked in housing, homelessness and equalities for over 20 years, will be setting out the issue, detailing some of the responses that are being developed by HAs in Wales and the UK, and outlining the kind of support Housing Justice Cymru, Tai Pawb and the WRC can provide to HAs that are considering how they might contribute to this agenda.