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Housing and Armed Forces Veterans

January 26, 2024 @ 11:00am
Spotlight Sessions 1 hour Online
Note: This event has ended

Wales has 115,000 people who have previously served in the Armed Forces. Many, but not all, refer to themselves as Veterans. Whilst this cohort of the Welsh population is generally very similar to the wider population in terms of where they live, how they live and who they live with, we also know that some experience particular challenges in transitioning from Service to civilian life. We also know that for some Veterans finding long-term permanent accommodation can present as an issue some time after leaving.

The Armed Forces Covenant provides protection and assurance to the Armed Forces Community – that there should be no disadvantage from having served and that in some instances, special consideration is appropriate for those who have given the most eg. the injured. Many organisations chose to become Covenant signatories to show their support for the Armed Forces Communities and some take the further step of joining the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme.

This session will provide background on the Armed Forces Covenant and veteran accommodation needs, showcasing initiatives such as projects and funding streams, as well as introducing potential partners from the Third Sector to CHC members.